For some time now we have really been working on our "budget", for those of you that do the "budget" thing, you know its a chore in itself, and well if your anything like me your always trying to find ways to save money or reduce costs some how.
About two years ago now, Steve and I went through the
Dave Ramsey Financial Peace class that our church offered. Every now and again we also like to tune into his radio talk show, and pick up a few new "budgeting" tricks. A few months back we were tuning in and he had mentioned this
site that plans your meals and your grocery list according to your needs or wants and store preferences, AND ITS SUPPOSE TO SAVE MONEY.
Not only do I like to cook but my family does like variety, so we signed up, being that it is only $15 every three months, which works out to be $1.25 a week. I couldn't be any happier with this choice. I DON'T HAVE TO PLAN MENUS ANYMORE! A chore that would normally take me 2 hours, now takes me a few clicks of the mouse and VOILA there it is, saved to my computer and ready for me to print at anytime.
I have yet to come across a meal that my family does not like, and the prep time for them are 15 minutes max. That's for a "regular" meal. They send variety, such as, crock pot meals, easy meals, in a hurry meals and regular meals. They are all full course meals to boot.
Most of you know that when I do groceries I shop for about 8, but always have to buy more because of the hungry, hungry kiddos I have to feed. Ever since following this new meal plan we have been under budget every time and that includes buying "non grocery" items. Dave wasn't lying.
So if you have not yet had a chance to check it out, I suggest you do. If you would like to try it before paying for it, email me or send me a message and I will be more than happy to send you some of the menus that we have already used.