Friday, August 8, 2008

Where in the world are the men of the house?

I was sharing with Steve that I have found this new time consumer, that was not Facebook, its called blog spot. HAHA! Anyways he had a look see and well now he's feeling a little left out of the pic being as I barely mentioned Tyler and him. He told me that I should blog and tell him where the "studly men" of the house are! SO here is it to you my Love!

My wonderfully hard working hunk of a man has been putting in some sleepless hours to help with wild fires both local and out of state. He was so kind enough to snap this picture of himself on his way out to California, because he didn't want to wake us sleeping princesses.

He was in Northern California for nearly a month, and oh my what a story he had to tell from that. My short and sweet of the story, was that he was in pot central. Marijuana is legal there, you can buy it at the corner store. The forest that they were in they were trying to go in to do a fire line on the opposite side of the fire so that they could control it. Well while they were going in they got stopped by the Mexican Mafia and were told to pack up and get out. Well being as they were threatened they had to pack up and get out and call in the officials. Being as they couldn't get in to do the fire line the fire blew up and well the fools lost their pot anyway! Had they let them do what they were suppose to do they would have still had a pot Field. God works in mysterious ways.

Now hes been gone for about a week to Nye, Mt. I believe it's a controlled burn to settle the Red Lodge fires. I'm not real sure the specifics of this fire, other than its pretty close to us. About a 2 hour drive, but he should be home on Sunday, so there goes our plans to drive and see daddy in action.

Ok enough about him....

Wow how I miss feeding this littlel man.. Hes a good eater and enjoys his food, but what man doesn't. He never fails to take an annoying interest in whats for dinner, and then has a little cheer once he finds out.

Tyler has been visiting with his mom and grandparents since about 2 days after school got out. I know that he did have a trip to Saskatchewan, Canada for a revival. Other than a few very brief conversations online I have not talked to him at all. Ohhh and he went and helped Steve's dad pick choke cherries, to help gather their years supply. He too is suppose to be home on Sunday.

So there you have it folks, just in case you were all wondering where in the world the men of the house were, you can rest easy knowing they have been gone working and playing. While us girls sit at home watching the Olympics eating Bonn bonns..