Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What am I Thankful for?

I am thankful for many things:

  • I am thankful for Gaberiel Riley, who in his short 16 months of life, reminded me how precious our children our and that they are a gift from God, and to not take them or our lives for granted. THANK YOU GABERIEL

  • I am thankful for the wonderful support group I have. Without them I would be legally insane :P They have helped me through my many ups and downs, and continue to be a blessing in my life, which overflows into the lives of my family.

  • I am thankful for being humbled, by my friend Kyle Reynolds and the team that went to Ethiopia. They too have taught me to be content and thankful for what I have and where I'm at. Regardless of my trials and tribulations, I still need to thank God for placing these things in front of me, only to draw me closer to Him.

  • I am thankful that I live in a country that allows me to be free.

  • I am thankful for my family, near and far. As hard as it has been to be a Mother, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Auntie, Cousin, Niece, Friend, Child of God. I am so very blessed and thankful for my wonderful children, who continue to teach me on a daily basis. And I am very grateful for my Husband. He has stuck with me during my times of selfishness and crabbiness. He has placed me so high up, and treated me like a princes that I do not deserve.

  • Mostly I am thankful for my growing relationship with Jesus. Without Him, I would not be where I am today, and not ministering to my special group of Jr highers, everyday people. I am thankful for God's word. No matter how many times I hear or read the scripture, there is always that something that stands out to me. Thank you Jesus for my life.

There is so much more that I am thankful for, but this is just a short condensed version of my many things to be Thankful for.You may not be celebrating this holiday and that is OK, it doesn't necessarily have to be a holiday or a celebration for us to show our thankfulness. But lets try and remember each and every morning when we wake and start our day in prayer and whenever it is that you get the chance to dive into the word of God. End and start your day by giving thanks to our God for everything. Weather it be big or small, bad or good. Be thankful for all that God has given us, and make sure you give up everything that may be consuming you and interfering with your relationships.


Love you all, and hope you all have a blessed holiday season.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tribute to Bright Hope Team & schools

OK so for those of you that don't know about Bright Hope, they are a group of 13 people from my church (Harvest, here in Billings) and they have gone over to Ethiopia to do God's work. Bright Hopes school is a school of 2,400 that does not have running water nor a cafeteria. This team from Billings MT has just picked this school in the slum of all slums and decided to go and help them get running water into their school and build a cafeteria, with very little tools. The biggest tool is God's will and direction.

Check out Bright Hope School's blog.

While your at it check out Micheal Jackson's, Man in the mirror, as a little visual as to what is really going on in our ONE world.

Monday, May 18, 2009


OK so, softball season is in full gear. After having the first 4 games cancelled due to rain. Our team is undefeated thus far. Remember they were the champions last season, so they are still fighting for the title!

I cant wait until next year though because, the girls will be on separate teams and Marie will become more challenged with her pitching.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy "heart" day!

When we think of Valentine's Day, we often think of red roses, candy in heart- shaped boxes, mushy valentines, and winged cherubs flying about shooting starry-eyed lovers with arrows. Along with going that little extra mile or mile in a half to show our loved ones that we truly do love them.

In the Fourstar household we have decided to think of Valentine's Day as something a lil different. We took it upon ourselves to change Valentine's day to "HEART DAY". A day dedicated to hearts and love has a new meaning to us now.

Our cousin Gaberiel has had a very special place in our hearts over the past 6 mths. He under went an ABO Incompatible heart transplant, at 2 months of age. FYI: the first ABO Incompatible heart transplant was done February 14, 1996 - what a beautiful valentine's day gift that must have been.

We have also chosen to rename this day as "HEART DAY", because today is 3 days short of the one month passing of Steve's dad Carl. He passed unexpectedly on January 17th, from an Aortic aneurysm.



Thursday, January 8, 2009

Nothing is more rewarding then seeing your children accomplish great things....

I have lost count of all my best days of my life, but I can tell you that this day was another one of those best days. There is nothing better than seeing your children accomplish great things, big or small! Its the best feeling ever for a mommy. Marie sure made me proud again today, when she got accepted to accompany Ed the weather man on our six o'clock news, to give half of the weather!